Sunday, October 24, 2010



It has now become a culture for ladies to dress half naked. We no longer believe that we are beautiful without exposing our nakedness, which is a wrong ideology.

Everybody is beautiful and important. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, that fact cannot be denied. So, why wearing provocative dresses? Do you know it is your flesh that tells you to expose your body just to attract the opposite sex. Yes the guys of course. Don’t tell me you dress to attract person(s) or the same sex. No that cannot be true.

Your body (i.e. the flesh) desires that the opposite se should admire it and the only way it could do t hat is to dress modestly. The woman though and foreing influence which has eaten deep into our culture and mode of dressing had be en taken wrongly which make us dress half-naked.

Ladies, it natural that your body yearn for touch or for admiration but for Gods sake, preserve that body for your God ordained spouse.

We seem to have forgotten the use of clothing. I think we have to educate ourselves on the use of clothing. The only reason why we have clothing is to cover our nakedness. There is this popular saying ‘when purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable. The reason why ladies abuse the use of clothing is because they do not know the purpose.

Even in the beginning, when Adam and Eve sinned and were naked, the Bible told us that they saved fig leaves together and made themselves aprons because they were ashamed of being named. But nowadays, its no longer a shame for a lady to dress half-naked in the public. In fact it has become a phenomenon among ladies that if you don’t dress half naked, you are from the bush or referred to as a primitive lady.

What a shameless ideology. Abnormal thing have been made normal just to gratify the desire of the flesh.

Why can’t you wait till you move to your God ordained spouse where you can walk around the house and stop harassing innocent men by your way of dressing.

Remember, beauty does not consist in the display of ones nakedness neither does it consist in make-ups. Inner beauty speaks all around a lady. A lady with a sound character, will always dress well and will not forget that dressing modesty, is very important because it will make her look more respected, important and responsible. Don’t dress for where you are rather dress for where you are going and put in mind that the way you dress, is how you are going to be addressed.


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